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Nieuws: Ruth Lilly Prize 2013 voor Marie Ponsot


Op Poetry Foundation het bericht dat het oeuvre van Marie Ponsot is bekroond met de Ruth Lilly Poetry Prize 2013. De Ruth Lilly Poetry Prize wordt ieder jaar uitgereikt aan:

(…) a living U.S. poet whose lifetime accomplishments warrant extraordinary recognition, the Ruth Lilly Poetry Prize is one of the most prestigious awards given to American poets. At $100,000, it is also one of the nation’s largest literary prizes. Established in 1986, the prize is sponsored and administered by the Poetry Foundation, publisher of Poetry magazine.

Christian Wiman van Poetry magazine over Ponsot: “T.S. Eliot once said that modern poets had lost the ability to think and feel at the same time. If only he could have read Marie Ponsot! Her poems are marvels of intellectual curiosity and acuity, and they will also break your heart.”

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